
The Pastor’s Wedding Manual is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Pastor’s Wedding Manual is a collection of creative wedding ceremonies to help guide the pastor in making the wedding service a worshipful experience. Henry divides the manual into three sections: one reflects on what to do before the couple says, “I do”; one discusses the planning of the wedding ceremony; and the third section provides numerous samples for the wedding ceremony itself.

removed a bone from Adam’s side from which to fashion Eve. And God brought Eve to Adam. Thus, the Scripture suggests that God specifically made Eve for Adam, and Adam for Eve. _________ (man) and_________ (woman), you have both affirmed that you believe God specifically purposed you to share life together. As an acknowledgment that you do receive one another as God’s gift, please join hands together. _________ (man), it is important for a husband to learn something about receiving his wife by observing
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